The edition is here! Hello My Reading Bugs, Last edition of the month! Beginning of the last month of the year! 2018 almost getting clo...

The Children's Post of India is a daily newspaper created by mothers for children. The ideal age group is 8 to 12 year old. Its a 4 page, print at home newspaper. If you want the epaper version, please subscribe at If you are an institution (School, NGO, Activity center) working with children in this age group, please get in touch to get the paper and share with your students. For commercial reuse and rights to original content in this newspaper, please contact us.
The edition is here! Hello My Reading Bugs, Last edition of the month! Beginning of the last month of the year! 2018 almost getting clo...
Today, we have election report from Mizoram and Madhya Pradesh - the two states that went to poll today. There is Word magic, Quote of th...
अ से अनार आ से आम इ से इमली ई से ईख अम्मा मुझ को मिल गयी सीख जिसने लिखी ये अक्षर माला पेट में उसके नहीं था दाना याद आ रहा था...
अनवसरे यदुक्तं सुभाषितं तच्च भवति हास्याय . अनवसरे - बिना अवसर के (गलत समय पर) यदुक्तं - जो कही जाए सुभाषितं - अच्छी बात भवति - ...
The edition is here. Hello dear readers, NASA InSight Lander landed on Mars. Let's keep track of its findings. Who knows the pl...
Today, read about the cold wave in Leh, Kashmir and Jammu regions. The second story is about a change in how we use google on the mobile ...
Over the last 4 days, The Children's Post has been featured in 3 publications - India Today, Gurgaon Moms, and The Better India. Ther...
हरा समंदर गोपी चन्दर बोल मेरी मछली, कितना पानी? पानी में हीरे, पानी में मोती…. बात हमारी खत्म न होती, राज़ समय का खुलता जाए चिड़िय...
The edition is here! Hello readers, Today's edition is all about different forms of science around us. The lead story is a work of ...
The edition is here! Good Morning Readers, Read on how the Leaning Tower of Pisa continues to get straight. And another interesting p...
The edition is here! Hello Dear Readers, Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti to all of you! So, the festivities continue. For someone like me wh...
The Children's Post featured in India Today. Kudos to the entire team. This woman created a children's newspaper to improve her s... This is a story about all of us.. and we are so happy to b...
Perception Bias - Cartoon Strip Today is the fourth edition of the Time Management Program. If you have not created your Time Log yet,...
The edition is here . Hello dear readers, Happy Id-e-milad! Read about this joyous festival and learn more about it. A new Guinness...
Some days ago, we saw how the human brain is being understood better by trying to do exactly what it does. Today, learn about how we are...
अग्निदाहादपि विशिष्टं वाक्पारुष्यं अग्नि के दाह (जलन) से भी अधिक बलवान है कड़वे शब्दों की पीड़ा . The pain caused by rude words is more i...
आज ख़रीदेंगे हम सोना लेना है पूरा एक तोला एक तोले में १० माशे एक माशे में रत्ती आठ. ८० तोले का एक सेर सोना लेंगे एक तोला एक ...
Do you want to study for one less year? That change is perhaps on its way, with UK showing the way. If you are in Delhi or thereabouts, d...
आज देखेंगे हम रंग और रंगों के अजब से ढंग! लाल रंग है बड़ा सजीला पर मुझको लगता है हठीला हरा रंग खिलखिला कर हँसता उसका मोह है सबको छ...
What are some of the things that we take for granted? The Kilogram, for instance. But have you ever wondered, who decides that this exact w...
Did you know that 44 years ago, humankind sent a radio message to a galaxy far, far away? Google celebrated the anniversary of the ev...
The edition is here. Today, find out about concepts like Payload (in space) and Low earth orbit as Harinder aunty explains why the GS...
In this issue, find out about computers that try to work like the human brain. The Time Management program continues with another fun a...
मनस्कृतं कृतं लोके न शरीरकृतं कृतं इस संसार में, मन लगा कर किया हुआ काम ही असल में काम है. केवल तन लगा कर किया हुआ काम, काम नहीं ह...
Message from Deepti aunty: Hello dear readers, Happy Children’s Day! Its your special day so make the best of it. You know what’s sp...
The edition is here. Why do the tech giants have to fight fake news if it hurts us? Why should we, the people, not pledge to stay away...
In today's edition, we start the Time Management Program for our readers. Once they have completed this program, they will not say ...
The edition is here. Today, we have good news! The ozone layer is apparently repairing, and we can all be grateful. Find out about the ...
This Monday onwards, we are going to share our secret sauce with our readers - a Time Management course for our readers.. within the ...
The edition is here. You must be fond of gold. Well, you're not alone. As our cover story shares, governments have been on a gol...
The edition is here. Hello Dear Readers, Hope you all had a lovely Diwali! Wishing you all a Very Happy Bhai Dooj! May the eternal brot...
What a special Diwali this has been! Join us as we visit Diwali celebrations from India and the world in a full page photo essay. There ar...
The edition is here. Today is the Diwali Special Edition! Deepti aunty has worked really hard to bring this to you. Read about: A...
The edition is here. Today, read about a smog tower, and whether AI will overtake human intelligence by 2062. A contribution on Glass ...
The edition is here. Today, we have Gurpreet's Dreams and Doodles, and a lovely experience sharing by Ameya. A quiz on Kashmiri his...
Today, learn about space and the amazing Kepler telescope. In the Special Feature, we understand what the term carbon footprint means and w...
The edition is here. Today, we read about Signature Bridge - another architectural marvel of India. The Word Magic is right there, as ...
My Toy Box Needs to be kept locked! There are goblins And demons And telephones that talk! My Toy Box Is a magic pot ...
The edition is here. Hello lovely readers, Do you also feel a chill in the mornings? I don’t feel like coming out of my bed already! Tim...
The edition is here. "Ease of Doing Business" is a term we have heard a lot in the recent past. What does it really mean, and...