Hello kids, This week, all the editor aunties had a call and brainstormed ideas to make the paper more engaging and we are happy with a fe...
The Children's Post, 19th September, 2021
Hola Amigos, Enjoy the edition! Happy Sunday!! J J Love, - Amrita & Vanitha tcpedit@gmail.com

India wins its first gold at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics
Hola Amigos, Neeraj Chopra won the gold medal in men’s javelin throw. Indeed a proud moment for India. Did you watch the match? En...

IIT Delhi releases Covid 19 kit after getting ICMR approval
Covid testing, as you know, is very important for us to understand how many people have the virus, and which areas need to be 'contai...

IIT Delhi team develops Covid-19 testing kit, gets ICMR approval/IIT दिल्ली ने कोविद-१९ परिक्षण किट विकसित किया, ICMR की स्वीकृति मिली
टीम द्वारा रिकॉर्ड ३ महीने में किट विकसित की गयी नई दिल्ली, अप्रैल २५ : जैसे की आप जानते है, कितने लोग वायरस से संक्रमित है और ...
IIT Delhi develops a Covid Testing kit
Dear readers, Today's lead news is the unique, cost-effective testing kits designed in India by IIT Delhi. For the curious li...

Awesome Research at IIT Delhi: Blue Nano Silver
While exploring the news for you, we would often read about research being done by scientists in other parts of the world. I would feel sad...