Today, on the Children's Post website, we have added a new section - Grammar. This 8-questions-at-a-time quiz covers everything from g...

The Children's Post of India is a daily newspaper created by mothers for children. The ideal age group is 8 to 12 year old. Its a 4 page, print at home newspaper. If you want the epaper version, please subscribe at If you are an institution (School, NGO, Activity center) working with children in this age group, please get in touch to get the paper and share with your students. For commercial reuse and rights to original content in this newspaper, please contact us.
Today, on the Children's Post website, we have added a new section - Grammar. This 8-questions-at-a-time quiz covers everything from g...
Today, we started featuring student blogs. The kind of blogs we look for: A. Original thoughts. B. Creative Writing C. Venting and self exp...
We are very glad to share that today, July 12th, we have added the Quiz section to the website. The quiz will always ask 7 random questions...
If you come to the only safe news portal for kids now (, you can take online puzzles and paper and pen puzzles, but now, y...
Surprisingly, we got an email from Google today, informing us that we became eligible for our custom url on our Youtube Channel. So, our n...
The Children's Post of India was selected for the AWEInspiring Program. This is a 3 month mentoring program conducted jointly by Atal ...
We want to shout and scream that our dear TCP has made it the list of top 8 products in the Ed-Tech category globally and is the top ed-tec...
The Empower Start-up Contest was covered by Business World Education, India Education Diary, and Pelikken. Here are the links: http://bwed...
Over two months of hard work is finally coming to a close tomorrow. The Empower Start-up Contest started on July 26th. Tomorrow, at the Gra...
So, so excited! Our much awaited Young Journalist Program takes off today! Here's what the kids are learning:
Mr. Bow thinks it is time you showed your true potential. After months of inputs from our lovely readers, their awesome contributions, and ...
On January 1, we launched the logo, the mascot, and the theme music of The Children's Post of India. The Children's Post Mascot, Log...
We get emails from many schools every day, and one school consistently stood out - not just in the number of contributions we got, but als...
We get emails from many schools every day, and one school consistently stood out - not just in the number of contributions we got, but also ...
If you want your school to get The Children's Post every day for free, please take advantage of our "In This Together" progra...
Today was the day we crossed 100 subscribers on Youtube! No promotion at all! YOO HOO! Thank you!
We're doing this. There is no such thing as post Diwali blues for our kids. Our week long celebration begins tomorrow at PS: ...