क्या ले गया शेरशाह, क्या ले गया सलीम शाह? Kya le gaya Shershaah, Kya le gaya Saleem Shah? Meaning: No one takes anything with them when t...

The Children's Post of India is a daily newspaper created by mothers for children. The ideal age group is 8 to 12 year old. Its a 4 page, print at home newspaper. If you want the epaper version, please subscribe at www.newsforkids.in If you are an institution (School, NGO, Activity center) working with children in this age group, please get in touch to get the paper and share with your students. For commercial reuse and rights to original content in this newspaper, please contact us.
क्या ले गया शेरशाह, क्या ले गया सलीम शाह? Kya le gaya Shershaah, Kya le gaya Saleem Shah? Meaning: No one takes anything with them when t...
तेते पाँव पसारिए, जेती लंबी सौर Tete Paanv Psaariye, jeti lambi saur Meaning: Live within your means. Usage : तुम्हारे म...
ऊंची दुकान फीका पकवान नाम बड़े और दर्शन छोटे Oonchee Dukaan Feeka Pakwaan Naam Bade aur Darshan Chhote Both these lokoktis mean the same ...
I LOVED putting this edition together for you. The lead story is about pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR) designed and built by India...
राम और शाम एक ही कक्षा में पढ़ते थे। एक दिन, शाम ने गृहकार्य (Homework) राम की किताब से उतार लिया। (copied). पर उस में भी उसने गलती कर दी ...
2 main things happened yesterday - CBSE and Kerala Board results, and the AGM of Reliance Industries. Why was this important? Find out in o...
Dear Readers Today is the Meme Fest! The news covers an update from the WHO, one from the government of India, and one from NASA. Ex...
Dear Readers We love it when you send your entries for Saturday Champion, Grandma's Corner, Harinder Aunty's What-if, and Tuesd...
Dear Readers, Today we have: A. Landfall of Nisarga B. Updates on the India-China situation, Covid, and assorted stuff C. Tech News D...
You cannot imagine how excited we are to introduce The Children's Post June 2020 Online Student Debate! But first, the lead news. It ...
Dear Readers I am not well today. Please enjoy the edition. No long text :) Warmly Nidhi aunty www.thechilrenspost.com
Today's lead news is about India's awesome manufacturing capacity. The second news is our weekly update on Covid. As more and more ...
It was going to be a 5 page edition. But then Priyanka aunty really wanted me to include the story, so now we have a 7 page edition. :) You...
आसमान से टपके, खजूर में अटके Aasmaan se tapke, khajoor mein atke Meaning: To fall from the sky and get stuck in a date palm. Date ...
Hello, my dear readers! I bet you love stories! Today, we bring you a really interesting one in our lead news. Page 2 onwards we have: ...
Good Morning, lovely readers! Today's lead story is useful for high school students. The second story tries to bring you the latest...
Dear Readers Sunsets on Earth are beautiful orange. Have you wondered what sunsets on other planets look like? At least for Mars, we migh...
अपना तोसा, अपना भरोसा Apna Tosa, Apna BHarosa Meaning: One must carry things one needs. No point in depending on anyone else. Usage: त...
Dear readers Today, we got featured on Young India, a special website dedicated to all things youth. We are so happy to be there! https...
My dear readers For some of you, exams are underway. For some, they have just ended, and for some others, they are about to end. Today, w...