Wednesday 15 July 2020

2 main things happened yesterday - CBSE and Kerala Board results, and the AGM of Reliance Industries. Why was this important? Find out in our special news stories today. 

Like every Thrilling Thursday, the paper has: 
A. Sanskrit Sukti 
B. Hindi Lokokti
C. Tamil Proverb
D. Word Magic (Today's is hard) 
E. The British Council Section 
F. A Feature - Today's is on GPGP (Go figure!) , written by Shivani M and Padma Priya 
G. Joke by Tanisha Gangrade 
H. Meme by Hema Kumari 
I. Captions by Rajlakshmi Pansare 
J. Family Challenge 
K. Laugh a lot it is by Ishaan Kaila 
L. Bob Mania by Ayush Moitra 

The awesome New Additions are: 
A. Digital Resource of the Week (We're very excited! Tell us what you think!) 
B. Scrabble Puzzle (Oooh!) 

I look forward to your feedback! Don't forget to share your thoughts! Did you like our digital resource? 

Much Love 

Nidhi aunty