Hello twinkling stars, Our Christmas tree is all decked up, we are all ready to have a matching family pajama Christmas morning with some...
The Children's Post, 26th November 2021
Today is Constitution Day! As you might know, the Constitution of India was hand calligraphed by Shri Prem Behari Narain Raizada (English ...
The Children's Post, 5th November, 2021
You must have just celebrated Diwali and very likely that the newspaper will not arrive today. Why don't you give your parents your new...

The Children's Post, 3rd September 2021
Dear Stars Enjoy the edition! Love Vanitha and Nidhi aunty

The Children's Post, 27th August 2021
Dear Fun lovers, Enjoy the edition and have a fabulous weekend! Love, -Vanitha & Harinder

The Children's Post, 16th July 2021
Dear Readers, On the first page, read the lead news about the design ring well which was uncove...

The Children's Post, 2nd July 2021
Hello Readers, In today's edition, we have news on pages 1 & 2 on the longest high-speed track inaugurated in Indore and the smalle...

The Children's Post, 21st May 2021
Dear Loved Ones, Congratulations to Swetha R, Amey Haldankar, Arya Gavali, Kanishka Parjapat, and Geet Naik for giving the correct answer ...

The Children's Post, 23rd April 2021
Hello Readers, Congratulations Shubhangi Dash for getting the correct answer to last week’s Shape Sudoku. A shout out to Geet Naik for sendi...

The Children's Post, 19th February 2021
Today, our news is from the world of stars, and natural history. In addition to the news, we have: A. Nature Feature by Padma Priya B. L...

The Children's Post, 12th February 2021
Dear Readers Today we have, in addition to the lovely news that Vanitha aunty finds for you: A. Art by Shreya Sharma, Ananya Sharma, Anush...

The Children's Post, 29th January 2021
Hello, little bright stars! Today's news you will love. There is a boat library in Kolkata! We also have: A. Biomimicry feature by P...

The Children's Post, 2nd October 2020
Dear Fun-lovers, Today’s ‘what if’ is again by Nidhi Aunty: “What if we could see the internet traffic?” Enjoy the edition and have a ...

The Children's Post, 11th September 2020
Dear Explorers, Here's today's 'what if' challenge: What if we could change our name? In the lead news today: Read about S...

The Children's Post, 3rd July 2020
Hello Co-travellers, Did you ever imagine that blue could be the colour of love? Yes, today, we bring to you all the love that you’ve showe...

The Children's Post - 28th June, 2019
Hello Readers, You must be feeling the heat - and so is the whole of Europe! The main news is about the heat wave in Europe and how the he...

The Childrens' Post, 7th June, 2019
Hello Fun-lovers, A smile can solve so many of our problems and improve our ‘face value’ too. So, let’s take a pledge to smile more often...

The Childrens' Post, 31st May, 2019
Hello Vacationers, Hope you are all having a wonderful time in your vacations. An important historical event took place yesterday, the P...

The Children's Post, 17th May, 2019
Hello Day-dreamers, Here is the edition for the day. Page 1 has the lead news. Page 2 has the hobby feature on photography. Thanks ...

The First Party of The Children's Post! - April 27th, 2019
Today, The Children's Post held its first ever party. We felicitated our contributors. But not just any contributors. It takes A LO...