Hello twinkling stars, Our Christmas tree is all decked up, we are all ready to have a matching family pajama Christmas morning with some...
The Children's Post, 20th November 2021
Hello sweethearts, Have a great weekend and enjoy the thanksgiving break if you have one and don't forget to be thankful for all that yo...
The Children's Post, 13th November 2021
Hello children, Are you excited that tomorrow is Children’s Day? We are waiting for your poetry, artwork, and other Children’s Day fun stu...
The Children's Post, 23rd October 2021
Hello kids, This week, all the editor aunties had a call and brainstormed ideas to make the paper more engaging and we are happy with a fe...

The Children's Post, 2nd October 2021
Hello curious cuties, One of the news today is about how the government shutdown in the US has been avoided in the last hour and another one...

The Children's Post, 18th September 2021
Hello kids, Both my boys have soft toys in their bedroom and coincidentally both of them have red panda soft toys as they love red pandas....

The Children's Post, 4th September 2021
Hello buddies, Today both news articles are about old discoveries and they are written by Shuchi Giridhar and Pravar Mukkala. Last week ...

The Children's Post, 31st July 2021
Hello fabulous friends, How have you been? We have been busy celebrating a birthday at home this week J Birthdays are fun times, recol...

The Children's Post, 10th July 2021
Hello sweethearts, Our area is impacted by Hurricane Elsa this weekend, so it is going to be pretty wet and cold outside. How is the wea...

The Children's Post, 3rd July 2021
Hello Kids, Enjoy this edition that is packed with a lot of geography info, and the weekend as well :) ~Poornima www.mytcp.in

The Children's Post, 26th June 2021
Hello fabulous friends, I just read that today is National Chocolate Pudding Day here in the US :). I did not know there was a day like th...

The Children's Post, 22nd May 2021
Hello Lovely little ones, Enjoy the edition and have a super weekend! Hope you are all enjoying the summer specials like mangoes, lassi, lem...

The Children's Post, 15th May 2021
Hello sweethearts, Enjoy the edition! Poornima www.mytcp.in

The Children's Post, 8th May 2021
Hey miracle machines, Today is the day you plan and prepare for tomorrow which happens to be Mother's Day :) I know with the situation o...

The Children's Post, 17th April 2021
Hello fabulous friends, Just like everyone, even the TCP family is impacted by the pandemic. We are trying hard to get content together and ...

The Children's Post, 10th April 2021
Hello sweethearts, International Safety Pin day is observed on April 10 th to mark the date on which Walter Hunt patented the safety pin. I...

The Children's Post, 27th March 2021
Today is a special day for the TCP family. We all are excited to kick off The Children's Post Young Journalists Empowerment Program 2021...

The Children's Post, 20th March 2021
Hello happy hearts, Today is International Day of Happiness or the Happiness Day. J It is a campaign to promote and advance the primary...

The Children's Post, 6th March 2021
Hello Reading enthusiasts, Enjoy the edition and have a wonderful weekend!!! ~Poornima www.mytcp.in

The Children's Post, 27th February 2021
Hello fabulous friends, Today is International Tongue Twister Day. Do you know any tongue twisters? Completely unrelated to Tongue Twi...