Hola Amigos, Enjoy the edition! Happy Sunday!! J J Love, - Amrita & Vanitha tcpedit@gmail.com

The Children's Post, 23rd July 2021
Dear Readers, Read about the newest mag-lev train developed in China on the first page Karnataka has released its grade 12 th results. ...

The Children's Post, 26th June 2021
Hello fabulous friends, I just read that today is National Chocolate Pudding Day here in the US :). I did not know there was a day like th...

The Children's Post, 22nd May 2021
Hello Lovely little ones, Enjoy the edition and have a super weekend! Hope you are all enjoying the summer specials like mangoes, lassi, lem...

The Children's Post, 27th March 2021
Today is a special day for the TCP family. We all are excited to kick off The Children's Post Young Journalists Empowerment Program 2021...

The Children's Post, 13th February 2021
Hello happy hearts, Today's news is about discoveries related to the atmosphere on Mars and a fossil that is found at Bhimbetka rock she...

The Children's Post, 6th February 2021
Hello Explorers, The Saturday edition is becoming a mini geography edition with all the features that are being included J . Hope you all ...

The Children's Post, 5th July, 2019
Hello Creators, Back to school? Happy or sad? Well, no choice! So, let us just smile :) I read somewhere today that 'it's good to g...

The Children's Post, 24th June 2019
Good morning! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Today’s lead story is about India’s new centralized air traffic flow management s...

The Childrens' Post, 7th June, 2019
Hello Fun-lovers, A smile can solve so many of our problems and improve our ‘face value’ too. So, let’s take a pledge to smile more often...

The Children's Post 1 st June, 2019
Hello Readers, Page 1 has some interesting news from India and around the world. Let us read about the newly announced cabinet of South Afr...

The Childrens' Post, 31st May, 2019
Hello Vacationers, Hope you are all having a wonderful time in your vacations. An important historical event took place yesterday, the P...

Dinosaur that flies and Tariff hike by US May 11, 2019
Hi Readers, The Edition for the day is here! The main news is about scientists finding the fossils of a dinosaur in China that reveals...

CBSE new maths guideline - The Children's Post, 15th January, 2019
In just a few years, or less, most of you will be attempting your Grade 10 exams under the CBSE board. You will be happy to know about a ne...
What ALL is Sankranthi called? - The Children's Post, 14th January, 2019
Today, we speak about an environment phenomenon in the lead news, and hear about a wonder car in the second. The Hyundai Elevate is a walki...