Durga Puja in Kolkata has received UNESCO recognition. Read all about it in the main news today. The second news is about the unveiling of ...
The Children's Post, 24th September, 2021
With inputs from Alka Singh, the news on page 1, is about the Global Innovation Index, where India has secured 46 th rank. Amey Haldank...
The Children's Post 9th July 2021
Dear Readers, ...

The Children's Post, 22nd January 2021
Dear lovely readers, Today’s edition includes: · The lead news is all about an unbelievable Blankets of Snow in the Sahara ...

The Children's Post, 15th January 2021
Dear Explorers, Today’s lead news tells us about India’s Largest Coastal Defence Drill – Sea Vigil 2021 and the second news is about...

The Children's Post, 18th September 2020
Dear Innovators, Here is today’s ‘what if’ challenge: What if we had 10months in the calendar? ...

The Children's Post, 11th September 2020
Dear Explorers, Here's today's 'what if' challenge: What if we could change our name? In the lead news today: Read about S...
The Children's Post, 4th September 2020
Dear Energy Houses, The responses that you send to the 'what if' challenges are like energy boosters, they make us happy and give u...
The Children's Post, 28th August 2020
Dear Bright Sparks, ...

The Children's Post, 21st August 2020
Dear Superstars, ...

The Children's Post, 24th July 2020
Dear Readers, Observe is the word of the day...

The Children's Post, 10th July 2020
Dear Amazing People, Yes, you all are amazing! You know why? Because you all create magic; with the kind of poems/articles you write, with ...

The Children's Post, 15th May 2020
Hello Happy Smiles, ...

The Children's Post, 10th April, 2020
Dear Creative Readers, ...

The Children's Post, 3rd April, 2020
Hello Dear Readers,It feels so, so good to be back! I have been missing doing the paper. ...

The Children's Post, 27th March 2020
Hello Lovely Readers, Today is Scribble Day, celebrated to inspire children to kindness through art. Scribbling helps us to express our...

The Children's Post, 20th March 2020
Hello Lovely Readers, The third week of March (from 16th to 22nd march) is celebrated as ‘Act Happy Week’ every year. During this tim...

The Children's Post, 13th Mar 2020
Hello Readers, The main news today is about a new facility that is being launched by the department of posts for small working families. ...

The children's Post, 6th March,2020
Hello Lovely Readers, Hello Lovely Readers, Smile! Today is National Dentist's Day. It is celebrated on 6th March every y...