Hello Readers, I love reading! And like most grown-ups I would like to indulge in a fictious novel, political satire, biography, or lif...

The Children's Post of India is a daily newspaper created by mothers for children. The ideal age group is 8 to 12 year old. Its a 4 page, print at home newspaper. If you want the epaper version, please subscribe at www.newsforkids.in If you are an institution (School, NGO, Activity center) working with children in this age group, please get in touch to get the paper and share with your students. For commercial reuse and rights to original content in this newspaper, please contact us.
Hello Readers, I love reading! And like most grown-ups I would like to indulge in a fictious novel, political satire, biography, or lif...
Dear Readers Albert Einstein said, “There are two ways to live your life, one as if nothing is a miracle, and the other, as if everyth...
Hello Dear Readers, Ah! What a busy day! A day full of celebrations, with pride in our heart and mouth filled with sweets... hmmmm. It was ...
Dear Happy Faces, Today’s edition is all about happiness, celebration, and acceptance. Let us rejoice and celebrat...