Why do the tech giants have to fight fake news if it hurts us? Why should we, the people, not pledge to stay away from unverified sources, fake news, and rumours? Why don't we decide to vote only based on the manifesto of the candidate?
When you become voters, my dear readers, I hope that a candidate does not need to spend money to get your vote. I hope that we are all conscious of the great responsibility that comes with great power. I hope that we learn to read the manifestoes, we learn to ask intelligent questions related to governance, and we learn to also educate other people.
Did you know about the Museum of the Moon? Neither did we. How surreal!
Today is also the INternational Day of Kindness. Be randomly kind today.
The edition has a small quiz and a delightful junior reading corner, a maze, Ameya's Captain India, and Pradeepthi aunty's useful tips. Artist Corner features a painting by Janelle Pinto, who is all of 5 years old! Its very impressive!
Enjoy the edition!
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