Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Perception Bias - Cartoon Strip

Today is the fourth edition of the Time Management Program. If you have not created your Time Log yet, or not marked your Time Wasters and Time Savers.. now is a great time to get started. You will start to see your life differently - I promise!

Democracy is a funny thing. Understand two important developments in today's edition - one in Jammu and Kashmir, and the other in Mizoram.

WhatsApp has finally decided to open an office in India and has designated an India head, who will open the first India office from next year onwards. Find out why this is important in today's edition.

Your favourite Word Magic, Wisdom from Sanskrit and Hindi, and a lovely quote - they are all these, as is a simple True or False quiz based on.. seas!

The Junior Reading Room has a Hindi poem on Indian weights and measures and the cartoon corner has Perception Bias by me!

The edition is here. Enjoy the edition.
21 Nov 2018