Dear Readers, The lead news today is about India's foreign currency reserves whereas the second news story is from the G20 Summit bei...

The Children's Post, 29 th June, 2019
Dear Readers, The G20 Summit is on full swing in Japan. Read about it on page 1. The second news item is that Hong Kong has been voted...

The Children's Post - 28th June, 2019
Hello Readers, You must be feeling the heat - and so is the whole of Europe! The main news is about the heat wave in Europe and how the he...

Rabies Vaccine, Michael Pompeo - June 27th, 2019
Picture Logic Puzzle What an edition! While researching the cover story, i realised that the issue is not limited to India - it is a...

Hindi muhavara
जहां न पहुंचे रवि, वहां जा पहुंचे कवि Jahaan na pahunche ravi, vahana jaa paunche kavi. Meaning: Where the sun's rays cant reach, t...

Hindi poem on end of holidays
अम बम ढम छुट्टी हो गयी मम अब आएगा बस्ता पेन, पेंसिल, और परचा ढेर सारा स्कूल का काम घर पर भी कहाँ आराम! न घोड़े बेच के सोना, बस सुख...

Rare Type D Whales and the Giant Squid - June 26th, 2019
Dear Readers This edition has been created jointly by Deepti aunty and Shivani aunty. The news stories today are both from n...
On The Better India's Facebook
On 23rd June, 2330 hours, The Better India put our story on their facebook again..and once more, the story received a lot of appreciation. ...

The Children's Post - 25th June, 2019.docx
Hello Readers, Today's lead news is from the banking sector, where the RBI's Deputy Governor resigned from his position citing ...

The Children's Post, 24th June 2019
Good morning! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Today’s lead story is about India’s new centralized air traffic flow management s...
The Children's Post, 23rd June 2019
Dear Readers, The lead news is from Tamil Nadu, where the people are facing an acute water crisis. All the four major reservoirs that sup...

The Children's Post, 22nd June, 2019
Dear Lovely Readers, Today's edition has been done jointly by Priyal aunty and me. The lead news story of today is about two Bengaluru ...

The Children's Post, 21st June, 2019
Dear Daydreamers, 'Let's take a deep dive', 'In deep waters', 'Don't swim against the tide'. These are s...

खेल समाचार - फीफा विमेंस वर्ल्ड कप २०१९
आज गेमप्ले के तीसरे और अंतिम दिन स्कोर यूँ रहे: फ्रांस - नाइजीरिया - १-० जर्मनी - दक्षिण अफ्रीका - ४-० नॉर्वे - दक्षिण कोरिया - २-१ ...

क्या बाहर के कॉलेज में प्रवेश पाना बहुत कठिन है? Is it hard to get into Stanford? in Hindi
ये लेख प्रियंका आंटी द्वारा लिखा गया है. अनुवाद - निधि आंटी देखो बच्चो, ये सवाल गणित का है. इसे गणित से ही सुलझाते हैं. चलो स्टैनफोर्ड...

सम्पादकीय - २ साल पूरे होने पर!
मेरे प्यारे बच्चो! पता है, हम सब ख़ुशी से फोले नहीं समा रहे! जानते हो क्यों? १ जुलाई को हमारे अखबार के दो साल पूरे होने वाले हैं! पूरे ...

बच्चों का अखबार - एडिडास का लोगो नहीं है विशिष्ट
गुरूवार, २० जून, २०१९ एडिडास जर्मनी की एक कंपनी है जो जूते और खेल का अन्य सामान बनाती है. अब हम अपना नाम सब जगह तो लिख नहीं सकते न? तो ह...

2 new exoplanets and the Adidas Logo - 20th June, 2019
Today's lead story is about logos and copyrights. You might remember our covering these topics earlier. The second story is so exciting...

Sanskrit and Hindi
स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा विद्वान् सर्वत्र पूज्यते Swadeshe Poojyate Raja, Vidvaan Sarvatra Poojyate Meaning: The King is worshipped only in...

The Children's Post, 19th June, 2019
Hello dear readers, Main News- 17th Lok Sabha is in session. Read about the new speaker who will preside over the lower house of parl...

Eternal flames of our world and Indonesia send the trash back to the United States
Hello Readers, Around 7.7 billion people live on our earth, of which 2.7 billion are kids under the age of 15. Being a part of this nu...

The Children's Post, 17th June 2019
Hello Lovely readers, Good morning! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Today’s lead story is about rising tariffs on 28 US prod...

The Children's Post, 16th June 2019
Happy Father's Day Everyone! "A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow." The intense heatwave sweepi...

Sahitya Akademi Bal Puraskar and JEE Results - June 15th, 2019
Today's edition is done collectively by Priyal and Nidhi aunty. The lead story is about the best writers for children - as recognised...

The Children's Post, 14th June, 2019
Dear Lovely Readers, Over-excited, overwhelmed, and overjoyed, is what I am, to be a part of TCP. Yes, a full year has gone the ...

The Children's Post, June 13, 2019
Dear Readers, Today's lead story is about The Internet of Things and connected devices and also explains how these devices can be...

Sanskrit Sukti, Hindi doha, and a basic Hindi poem
उपायेन सर्वं सिद्धयति Upaayen Sarvam Siddhayati Meaning: Through a well thought out method (Upaya), all (Sarve) can be accomplished.(Si...

The Children's Post, 12th June, 2019
Hello dear readers, Imagine islands literally disappeared under water in a years time. This is the effect of climatic change globally...