Thursday, 20 June 2019

Today's lead story is about logos and copyrights. You might remember our covering these topics earlier. The second story is so exciting that I could not resist adding a whole page just to understand habitable zone, ESI, and other exciting stuff! Some of the stuff we could not even put there... but I hope that you, the lovely kids who asked for space news, are happy!

Page 2 has your favourite Sanskrit and Hindi wisdom. Today, for the first time, our quote of the day is a Hindi quote by Amrita Pritam ji. This quote has inspired me often. You'll also find a picture puzzle and the Word Magic.

Page 3 has the Editorial and a lovely Haiku by Shlok Pandey and Priyanka aunty's Studying Abroad feature.

Pages 4,5, and 6 are Chandamama Fan Club - the final part of the Gullvers' Travels story in Hindi. Next week, we go back to English Chandamama.

Page 7 has a full page feature on exoplanets that support life, and the Artist Corner featuring Ayush Moitra's splendid work.

Page 8 has the sports news - FIFA Women's World Cup, The Laugh-A-Lot-It-Is by Ishaan Kaila, the Questioner (again by Ishaan Kaila), and the Junior Reading Room which, again, has a song that I quite love.

The editorial has a special request today. Enjoy the edition!

Love, Nidhi aunty

20 Jun 2019