Hello dear readers, Page 1- Monuments all around the world are applauding and showing respect to all the healthcare workers, and supp...

The Children's Post of India is a daily newspaper created by mothers for children. The ideal age group is 8 to 12 year old. Its a 4 page, print at home newspaper. If you want the epaper version, please subscribe at www.newsforkids.in If you are an institution (School, NGO, Activity center) working with children in this age group, please get in touch to get the paper and share with your students. For commercial reuse and rights to original content in this newspaper, please contact us.
Hello dear readers, Page 1- Monuments all around the world are applauding and showing respect to all the healthcare workers, and supp...
Hello Readers, Are you good with pronunciations? Should we put it to test? Alright let’s start with an easy one – try pronouncing L...
Hello Lovely Readers, Most of us would agree that playing games is one of the family's favorite ways to spend time together. In...
Stock Index It is a way of measuring the performance of a group of stocks e.g. Nifty 50 tracks 50 companies listed in the stock exchange. ...
What is Repo Rate? The rate at which banks borrow money from the RBI to meet their day to day obligations. If the repo rate is low, then b...
Dear Readers The first page today is full of good news. In Hindi, we have a proverb that means that to attain its purest form, gold must ...
What is a Trade Agreement? A Trade agreement is an arrangement between two or more nations agreeing on the terms of trade between them. Th...
Dear Readers The RBI has announced some major decisions to support the Indian economy – read all about it on the front page. Also, find...
Hello Lovely Readers, Today is Scribble Day, celebrated to inspire children to kindness through art. Scribbling helps us to express our...
Let me tell you the best part about today's edition - it has no news on Corona. The lead news is about a lost continent in the North ...
विस्मय: सर्वथा हेय: प्रत्यूह: सर्वकर्मणाम् तस्माद् विस्मयमुत्सृज्य साध्ये सिद्धिविर्धीयताम्. Vismaya: Sarvathaa Heya: Pratyuh: Sarvk...
Boat at times, at times a saga be I am but a thin sheet, Make what you want of me To children, I am an eternal bore To youth, a w...
Hello dear readers, Hope you all are staying indoors and making the most of this time with your family. Page 1- A major announcement b...
Dear Friends: We realise that many people around the world are under a lockdown or even curfew. Your newspapers are not reaching you. We ...
Hello Readers, I am a Selenophile. No, I won’t tell you what it means. But I can tell you that looking at it makes me very happy. I c...
Hello lovely readers, World Water Day is celebrated on March 22nd every year. It is celebrated to spread the importance of freshwater...
Hello lovely readers, World Water Day is celebrated on March 22nd every year. It is celebrated to spread the importance of freshwater...
Dear Readers, Its Sunday again! Start the day with a little bit of economics – learn about trade agreements in the main news today. T...
This is a magic that teaches you to multiply by 199. But what else can we extend this magic to? Think Think. There are no wrong answ...
Dear Readers The highlight of today, of course, is our appearance in The Better India. If you are at home and looking for something to do...
This morning, we woke up to a very pleasant surprise. You probably know about our #IsolationwithTCP initiative. The Initiative started on...
# IsolationWithTCP # FamilyMoments Today, as you sit around the lunch table, we'll give you something to talk about. ...
Hello Lovely Readers, The third week of March (from 16th to 22nd march) is celebrated as ‘Act Happy Week’ every year. During this tim...
On the 16th of March, as we realised that more and more families across the world are going to be at home, we wanted to reach out and do so...
Dear Readers Sunsets on Earth are beautiful orange. Have you wondered what sunsets on other planets look like? At least for Mars, we migh...
मानेन तृप्तिर्न तु भोजनेन Maanen Triptirn Tu bhojanen One gets satisfaction on receiving respect, not on receiving food.
अपना तोसा, अपना भरोसा Apna Tosa, Apna BHarosa Meaning: One must carry things one needs. No point in depending on anyone else. Usage: त...
Hello dear readers, Page 1- The Supreme court announced an important judgement today and it is about gender equality in defence servi...