Monday 23 March 2020

Hello lovely readers,

World Water Day is celebrated on March 22nd every year. It is celebrated to spread the importance of freshwater by the United Nations and various other organisations. By 2050, more than 5.7 billion people are living in areas where water will become scarce. The water demand all over the world will increase by 50% by 2040. Therefore, it is important to spread awareness about the importance of such events that aim at conserving water.

The lead news today is all about how India is fighting against COVID-19. The second news tells about 2.7 billion years old found by geologists.

Page 3 has an editorial section, word magic, and Japanese lesson - Hiragana Word Search
By Anupma Shukla

Enjoy a beautiful poem on ‘Happiness Day’ by our very talented Harinder aunty, solve the puzzle and enjoy a lovely artist corner by Thomas Thomas K on page 4.

Enjoy the edition!

