Hello Readers, Today our main news is about the deterioration of the Great Barrier Reef due to global warming. The other news is abo...

The Children's Post of India is a daily newspaper created by mothers for children. The ideal age group is 8 to 12 year old. Its a 4 page, print at home newspaper. If you want the epaper version, please subscribe at www.newsforkids.in If you are an institution (School, NGO, Activity center) working with children in this age group, please get in touch to get the paper and share with your students. For commercial reuse and rights to original content in this newspaper, please contact us.
Hello Readers, Today our main news is about the deterioration of the Great Barrier Reef due to global warming. The other news is abo...
Hello Beautiful Sunshines, ‘Oh, exams are here. Got no other option but to prepare!’ Good luck and keep shining. Don't forget to...
Dear readers, Last week, at the editors' monthly meet, the other editor aunties reminded me that I have not covered as much business ...
Hello dear readers, In the main news today, Brazil refused aid for the amazon fires. Read why? The second news is about a man who...
Dear Readers It's shocking but it's true. Indonesia is changing its capital city. Read about this on page 1 along with an incr...
Hello Lovely Readers, Hope you all had a lovely weekend. Today’s lead story is about PM Narendra Modi attending the G7 summit in Fra...
बात गाँठ बांधना Baat Gaanth Bandhana To pay attention to something or to keep it carefully. Usage: मेरी एक बात गाँठ बाँध लो - दया बिन...
ऋणकर्ता पिता शत्रु: Rinkarta Pita Shatru: The father who runs up a debt is the enemy of his children.
Dear Readers, Have you been watching the Badminton World Championships being held in Switzerland? PV Sindhu was a delight to watch as she...
Hi Readers, Today we have covered a very important piece of news - the fire raging in the Amazon and the impact that it is having o...
Dear Little Krishnas, Wishing you all a very Happy Janmashtami. Read more about the festival on page 2 & 3. These also have the lovely ...
My dear readers Today's lead news is about an iron age settlement found in Vidarbha, India. Did you know that Maharashtra is, in fact...
आसमान से टपके, खजूर में अटके Aasmaan se tapke, khajoor mein atke Meaning: To fall from the sky, only to be caught in a tall date palm....
Enjoy the edition. www.thechildrenspost.com
Dear Readers Albert Einstein said, “There are two ways to live your life, one as if nothing is a miracle, and the other, as if everyth...
Hello Lovely Readers, Hope you all had a lovely weekend. Today’s lead story is about the reappointment of Ravi Shastri as the head co...
दूसरों का दुखड़ा दूर करने वाले, तेरे दुःख दूर करेंगे राम! किये जा तू जग में भलाई का काम, तेरे दुःख दूर करेंगे राम. Doosron ka dukhDa d...
Dear Readers, The long weekend was a total blast! I am sure you all must have had such a great time with your families too! Today's ...
Dear Readers, So how is the long weekend going for all of you? This edition contains some interesting and informative news and features ...
Hello Dear Readers, Ah! What a busy day! A day full of celebrations, with pride in our heart and mouth filled with sweets... hmmmm. It was ...
Dear readers I was waiting to do today's edition for over a month! So much apprehension! Hope that one has been able to do justice to...
Hello dear readers, In the main news story today, the Bombay Sappers complete their 200 years in style. Read how? Gold is used in...
Dear Readers Eid Mubarak! These are the holy days of the Islamic Calendar. The Hajj pilgrimage is going on and the entire world cel...
Hello Lovely Readers, Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Today’s lead story is about Giant parrot Heracles found in New Zealand th...
Dear Readers, Sunday's are for fun...and TCPs Sunday edition is meant just for that Start your day with some meditation and the yog...
Dear Readers, Enjoy the edition! Releasing on behalf of Nidhi aunty.
My dear readers Rakhi and Independence Day are both just a week away, and the excitement must be so palpable! Practising the patrioti...
सभ्दिरेव सहासीत सभ्दिविर्वादं मैत्रीं च. Sabhdirev Saha-Aaseet Sabhdivirvaadam Maitrim Ch Sit (Keep the company of) Only...
होंठों पे सच्चाई रहती है, जहां दिल में सफाई रहती है हम उस देश के वासी हैं जिस देश में गंगा बहती है. मेहमान जो हमारा होता है वो ...
Hello dear readers, Shares and stocks. Lot of people lost money when the US stock market plunged. Read about this in the main news. ...
Dear Readers August 5 2019 will be written down in the history books as a truly historic day. The Indian government took a revolutionary...
Hello Lovely Readers, Hope you all had a lovely weekend. Today’s lead story is about a French inventor who crosses the English Channe...
Dear Readers, In lead news, read about the effects of Global warming, which have led the arctic region to loose 197 billion tonnes of ice...
Hello Readers, This edition has something for everybody and I'm sure you will thoroughly enjoy it. An Indian Journal...