Friday, 30 August 2019

Hello Beautiful Sunshines,

‘Oh, exams are here. Got no other option but to prepare!’ Good luck and keep shining.
Don't forget to take your snack breaks while studying.....I love them!
August 29th was the National Sports Day! So, all news on the first page is about it - The new initiative launched by PM Modi and the sports medals given out on this day.
Page 2 is back to the Hobby lobby, and the hobby this time is one of the most engaging and gratifying one - you will love your own creations!
Page 3 has a beautiful and expressive poem by Arshiya Kapil and the feature flows down from page 2.
Page 4 has the sports news, a short feature on National Sports Day, beautiful crayon work by Samaira and the fun dose of Funny Bunnies by Aakarsh Agarwal.

Hope you enjoy the edition today.
Have a lovely weekend.
30 Aug 2019