Dear Readers, Why is buying honey now a good idea? What are elephants doing on mountains? Why were forest officials at Gir awake on t...
The Children's Post, 19th June 2020
Dear Curious Minds, I have a question: “What excites you most? For me travelling and meeting new people and trying out new food. Let’s hear...
India China issue explained: The Children's Post, 18th June 2020
Dear Readers Today we have: A. News on the India-China issue going on in Ladakh. B. 2 space news C. Sanskrit Sukti D. Hindi...
Hindi Puzzle: Muhaavare dhoondho हिन्दी पज़ल: मुहावरे ढूंढो
मेरी माताजी मुझे कई बार अपने साथ बाजार ले कर जाती हैं। मुझे उनका सामान उठाते हुए बिल्कुल कोल्हू के बैल जैसा लगता है, पर माँ को लगता ...
Feedback from Rajnish Kumar, Cairn Energy
Hello ‘TCP’ Team, Kudos to your efforts and mission you are carrying!! I am always surprised that how do you create such good stuff a...
In the Library by Karthika Vinod
I love how the poet takes us on a rollercoaster of emotions in this poem. Its as if the whole thing is happening in front of our eyes, and ...
Sanskrit on the best mode for life
शान्तितुल्यं तपो नास्ति न संतोषात् परं सुखम् न तृष्णाया: परो व्याधि: न च धर्मो दयापर: Shaantitulayam Tapo Naasti Naa Santoshaat Param...