Dear Readers Page 1 - It contains two big pieces of news from Indian Navy and Indian Air Force. Our armed forces are becoming bigge...

The Children's Post of India is a daily newspaper created by mothers for children. The ideal age group is 8 to 12 year old. Its a 4 page, print at home newspaper. If you want the epaper version, please subscribe at If you are an institution (School, NGO, Activity center) working with children in this age group, please get in touch to get the paper and share with your students. For commercial reuse and rights to original content in this newspaper, please contact us.
Dear Readers Page 1 - It contains two big pieces of news from Indian Navy and Indian Air Force. Our armed forces are becoming bigge...
Dear Readers, The lead news today is very exciting. Thousand of years later, a bird species just re-evolved from extinction. Read more ab...
Dear Readers The lead news today is probably something that you have heard your elders discussing – the drug Ranitidine. It is a ...
Hello Wonderful People, ...
My dear readers If you thought that agricultural economics and macro economics is just something we learn at school, today's paper...
Hello dear readers, Google wins a landmark case. Read about what it is about, in the main news on Page 1. The United Nations Gene...
Hello Beautiful People The lead news on Page 1 is disheartening but one should notice that adversity brings out the best in people. Foll...
Hello Lovely Readers, Hope you all had enjoyed the weekend. Today’s lead news covers the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the ...
आलस, निद्रा, और जम्हाई, ये तीनो हैं काल के भाई Aalas, Nidra, aur Jamhai, Ye teeno Hain Kaal ke bhai. Meaning: Laziness, Sleeping too...
लालयेत्पञ्च्वर्षाणि दशवर्षाणि ताडयेत् प्राप्ते तु षोडशे वर्षे पुत्रं मित्रवदाचरेत् Laalayet PanchvarshaNi Dash VarshaNi TaDyet Prapte...
Dear Readers, EC announces Assembly elections in the coming month and Amit Panghal created history by reaching the World Boxing Champions...
Hi Readers, The main news today is about an excavation in Tamil Nadu that makes some startling discoveries. The second news is about a r...
Hello Magicians, Hope you all are doing good! I can already smell the festivities that will begin in a few days from now. Can you? Y...
गीली मिट्टी बारिश की बूँदें पड़ते ही मिट्टी की खुशबू आती है संग अपने वह सुन्दर से सपने अनेकों लाती है सोचो अगर कुम्हार को मिट्टी यह...
Our website , which is hosted on Readwhere at the moment, now has links to this blog and to our youtube channel....
This is the picture causing an uproar in the General Assembly on environment change: Per Capita or Per Person: Suppose a country re...
Dear Readers Today, we have a really exciting edition. The lead news has 3 news – but the most important one is about Israeli nat...
गुरु कीजे जान के, पानी पीजे छान के Guru Keeje Jaan Ke, Paani peeje Chhan ke Meaning: Learn about your teacher before choosing them, an...
मातासमं नास्ति शरीरपोषणम् Mata Samam Naa Asti Shareer Poshanam. There is no greater nourisher of our bodies than our mother.
Hello dear readers, Women are gaining recognition in the Indian armed forces. The recent appointment of a female wing commander as a ...
Hello Readers Page 1: The entire world is getting digitized, be it a library, newspapers, public information, laws etc - so it's on...
Meena Pathak ji's poem on Hindi Divas in her own handwriting हिंदी से भारतीयता की पहचान आओ करें मातृभाषा का सम्मान हिंदी में...
Hello Lovely Readers, Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Today’s lead news story covered the launch of Maritime Communication Serv...
Here is a puzzle for all our readers: आइये बच्चो, अंतरिक्ष से धरती की पहेलियाँ सुलझाएं। NASA की website पर उपलब्ध इस Video को देखिये ...
Dear Readers This post is being released on behalf of Shivani aunty. The first 2 pages today present a quick recap of Aug...
INS विक्रमादित्य हमारी नौसेना (नौसेना : सेना का वह भाग जो हमारे समुद्रतट की रक्षा करता है ) का वह जहाज़ है, जिस पर से वायुयान (aeroplane) उड़...
Hi Readers, Today we have some stunning images of Saturn taken by NASA's Hubble Telescope. They take these images every year and t...
Dear Potters, ...
So yesterday, Deepti Chhabra, the Wednesday editor, and Nidhi, the Thursday editor, got together to speak about The Children's Post. We...
Dear Readers Image Credit: Cycling Federation of India Today’s edition is, as usual, the technology – business special. The lead new...