Thursday 19 September 2019

This is the picture causing an uproar in the General Assembly on environment change: 
Per Capita or Per Person: Suppose a country releases 100 units of carbon dioxide and has 50 people. The per capita emission is 100 units / 50 = 2 units.  

Statement 1:

“China cannot be treated as an offender. This is a map of per capita emissions. When you look at China’s population, it is easy to see that we have a lot of people. But we are still yellow. The US and Russia do not have as many people, but they are orange. Their greenhouse emissions are a result of greed.”
Statement 2:
“In that argument lies your ignorance. Because China has so many people, and this map is per capita, the true extent of your emissions is, in fact, camouflaged by the number of people you have. The average person in the US and Russia may generate more greenhouse gases than the average person in China, but our total emissions are far lower than the emissions created by a single country – China. The only reason you are not in the red, literally and figuratively, is that you have so many people.” 

Which statement do you agree with? Why? 
Image Credit: NASA