Friday 2 April 2021

 Dear Lovely People,

Here’s this week’s ‘what if’ challenge: What if there were no currencies? Congratulations to Priyansh Jain, Manasvini Subramaniam, Sneha Vedpathak, and Divyansh Soni forgetting all correct answers to last week’s rumble jumble. 

The edition today:

Page 1: The lead news is about tiny bits of meteorite particles found in Antarctica and the second news is about a new carnivorous Dinosaur species found in Argentina.

Page2: In the formula one feature today Praneeth talks about Sebastian Vettel, a skilled F1 driver from West Germany.

Page 3: Enjoy the wonderful book review by Nidhi Aunty. She has reviewed an unusual book this time.

Page 4: The carried over feature from page two, an invitation to the reader's meet 2021, and two advertisement features.

Page 5: Sports news, Shapes sudoku, fluid art by Anjas Kaur, and Funny Bunnies by Aakarsh Agarwal.

Enjoy the edition and have a wonderful weekend. 
