Wednesday 5 August 2020

Hello dear readers,
Space X Crew Dragon made a successful splashdown in Florida after two months at the International Space Station. Imagine, travelling to space might just become as common as travelling to any other city in the world!
A 'space-butterfly'? Read about this in the second news.
Page 2- All you space gazers out there, August has a lot to offer. Sunil takes us through celestial events due to happen this month. Look out to the skies!
Page 3- The British Council page with its activities.
Page 4- Wednesday Champs look out for your names. Also, do solve the new riddle and mail me the answers. Hurry up!
Every season has something beautiful to offer and Hiteshi has penned it down in her lovely poem.
Our budding artist Kanchan has sent in her wonderful artwork.
Page5- Friends are prized possessions. Aadya reinforces this in her thoughtful poem.
Guess what I am? A riddle by Bishal.
Samaira and Gargi feature gorgeous work in the artists corner.
Happy Reading:)