Hello dear readers,
Today is the 'Special Dish Day' as named by Navanya Tyagi. As per her, today we will make one favourite dish for each family member in the house. So many special dishes in a day, hence the name! If you're wondering what this is all about, then you surely missed Priyanka's Tuesday edition. Go check it out. But, do share what you all made today. Can't wait for those yummy recipes and maybe one of you gets featured in the flameless cooking section:)
Page 1- Cyclone Amphan is approaching land fast and just pray that it does not cause much damage. This is the main news for today.
India got elected to the World Health Organization Executive Board. Super proud! The second news story for today.
Page 2- Do you know that we might have a neighbour in space. Sunil Behera gives us an insight to the one closest to us. It might be inhabited.. Exciting!
Page 3- The British Council page with a tongue twister and activities for you to try out.
Page 4- A snack recipe for you to munch on when you are hungry, in the flameless cooking section.
Today is Clinical Trials Day. Do you know how important these trials are to develop vaccines and cures for new diseases. This day expresses gratitude to all those involved in this super important process.
Find synonyms of astonish in the word search.
Page 5- A page full of talented artists displaying their beautiful work.
Sports Trivia on Chess, and a riddle to rack your mind.
Happy Reading 

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