Saturday, 16 May 2020

Hola amigos,

BRICS' New Development bank provides USD 1 billion loan  to India. But have you wondered how these big banks work and how countries borrow money from these banks? Also we are so excited to show you the world's largest flower which just bloomed in Belgium. Read more...

The Sunday fun sets in from Page 2 covering: 

1. Dimple Tanna's Cosmic Yoga shares a Pranayama technique.
2. Maze Mania
3. Word Search (can you guess the theme of the word search today?)
4. Ridley the Riddle Turtle 
5. Sudoku Salsa
6. Idiom Flashcard
7. Daily challenges ( don't miss these at all !)
8. Quote of the day 

Enjoy the edition,
Shruthi Aunty.

16 May 2020