वृद्धा न ते ये न वदन्ति धर्मम्
धर्म: स नो यत्र न सत्यमस्ति
सत्यं न तद्यच्छलमभ्युपैति .
Na Saa Sabhaa Yatra na Santi Vriddhaa:
Vriddha Na Te Ye na Vadanti Dharmam
Dharma: Sa No Yatra Na Satyamasti
Satyam na Tadyachchhalambhyupaiti.
Meaning: A gathering (sabha) is not a gathering if it has no elders.
Elders are not elders if they do not speak as per Dharma (a sense of right and wrong)
Dharma is not Dharma if there is no truth.
Truth is not truth if it is accompanied by deceit / cunning.
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