Wednesday, 22 April 2020

पापान्निवारयति योजयते हिताय
गुह्यं निगूहति गुणान् प्रकटिकरोति
आपद्गतं च न जहाति ददाति काले
सन्मित्रलक्षणमिदं प्रवदन्ति संत: .
PaapaaNnivaaryati Yojyate Hitaaye
Guhyan Nigoohati GunaaN PrakaTikaroti
Aapadgatam ch na Jahaati Dadaati kaale
SanmitrLakshaNamidam  Pravadanti Sant:

One who helps his/her friends get rid of their sins,
Helps them in plans of welfare
Keeps their secrets and talks about their good qualities
Does not abandon the friend in adversity and gives (provides) at the right time,
Such are the signs of a good friend, according to the sages.

22 Apr 2020