Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Did you notice anything different about your newspaper since this Monday?

Yes, it is that yellow band just under the masthead, which proclaims that The Children's Post is India's exclusive Daily for children.

The keyword being "Daily".

I have always maintained that a habit is formed by reading the newspaper everyday. Not once a week, not once a month for sure. News is an everyday event.

But, do you know what all goes into making even such a tiny change?

First, there is a proposal. Then, Manjeet aunty thought of a font that goes with our overall ethos. Then, Shivani aunty and Manjeet aunty work together. Shivani aunty shares at least 7 different looks for the band (Yes, 7 different looks!) . All the editor aunties vote on it, and finally, the band is approved.

After that, Shivani aunty works hard to ensure that all the editions have the yellow band.

The whole process takes about 3 weeks

And that, dear readers, is how we bring you a simple yellow band in the masthead.

I hope you like the tiny change that we have made. :)
05 Jun 2019