Dear Readers, Today’s lead news covers the impact and cause of the crash of Google browser tabs. The second news is all about a renow...
The Children's Post, 16 th November, 2019
Dear Readers, Today we have news from the past as well as from outer space. A fossil of a bird has been discovered in Japan and it has a ve...
The Children's Post, 15th November, 2019
Hello Colourful Stars, ...
कविता कोना - तितली के रंग तितली अपने रंग बिखेर, उड़ चली ऊपर आकाश इंद्रधनुष की पड़ी छटा जो, मांग लिए कुछ रंग उधार लाल रंग के पंख सजाऊँ...
The Children's Day Special Edition of The Children's Post of India!
Happy, Happy Children's Day, my dear sparkly stars! Today is YOUR day... do paint the world as you please! Of course its a sp...
Hindi Muhavara on experience
जिस तन लागे सो तन जाने, कोइ न जाने पीर परायी Jis Tan Laage so Tan Jaane, Koi na jaane peer parayee Meaning: Only the wearer knows whe...
The Children's Post, 13th November,2019
Hello dear readers, President's rule has been imposed in the state of Maharashtra. Why has this happened? Read in the main story tod...