Thursday 9 December 2021

 Today, we have: 

A. Lead News: You must have heard about the Omicron variant. What is it? A quick update on what we know so far. 

B. News: The chopper crash of CDS Bipin Rawat - why is it important?, and an update on the Word of the year 2021. Help us choose! 

C. Your page - poetry by Harshika Udasi and Kavi Bharathy, Craft by Vedica Gupta and Art by Devanshu Acharya 

D. Let's Understand - What is ordinance 

E. Veervar Vijeta - Last week's answers and winners, and this week's puzzle. A new type of puzzle this week - the reverse Crossword. Would you like to give it a shot? 

F. Sports news by Ishaan Kaila 

G. Colouring Fun for our young readers 

H. Perception Bias by Nidhi Arora 

Enjoy the edition. 


Nidhi aunty