Friday 11 June 2021

 Dear Innovators,                                                                                                                                                Congratulations to Arshiya Gorsiya for giving the correct meaning of the animal idiom of the previous week and to K.P.Harvish and Chinmay Balani for giving the correct answer to the rumble jumble.

The edition today:

Page 1: The lead news is about the first solar eclipse of this year and the second news is about the giant dinosaur fossil found in Australia.

Page 2: The third news is about the rotifers that returned to life from frozen state. We also have the animal idiom and the word web on this page.

Page 3: Read about the flag of Antigua and Barbuda in the Flag-o-pedia feature by Amey.

Page 4: There is a wonderful book review by Ahan J. Joice and a beautiful poem by Jayashree J.

Page 5: Has the updates on the Tennis French Open 2021. There are also colours sudoku, beautiful art work by Jovta Saishri, and the Funny Bunnies by Aakarsh Agarwal.

Enjoy the edition and have a fabulous weekend!                                                                                                                  Love,