Hello dear readers,
Happy Lohri everyone
Do you know why and how this festival is celebrated? A special feature on this in today's edition.

The Farmer protests have been in the news for a while now. The Supreme court of India got involved today, and put a stay on these laws. Will this help the current situation? This is the main news today.
The top downloaded Apps of 2020. Which ones are they? Read in the second news.
Page 3 - Mercury is heading for the greatest eastern elongation. What is this? Sunil Behera enlightens us in the feature.
Page 4 - The British Council Page with its puzzle for today.
Page 5 - Congratulations Wednesday Champs. Try solving today's question, and send in your answers.
A yummy lassi recipe shared by Sanskruti.
A long word phobia. What is that called?
Page 6 - Artwork by our talented readers. A lovely poem by Shel Silverstein.
Thailand Open Badminton Championship news in the sports section.
Happy Reading:)
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