Wednesday 15 July 2020

Sumedh’s grandfather loves puzzles. So much so, that he also converts everyday conversations into puzzles. Sumedh finds that very interesting.
One day, Sumedh was complaining about his subjects when grandpa told him that they had to take 3 optional subjects in their Grade 11.
“What were your subjects grandpa? And How did you choose them?” Sumedh asked.
“Well, the one that is either organic or inorganic was the first obvious choice. Because I loved the periodic table. Since I love figuring things out, the second was a no brainer too. It was the third that took some thinking. Languages are always hard to choose. Such a tussle in my heart, and finally, Kalidasa defeated the Bard.” Said grandpa with a twinkle in his eye. 

Can you guess the subjects? Send us your answers to be the Veervaar Vijeta!