Tuesday, 30 June 2020

अज्ञेभ्यो ग्रन्थिन: श्रेष्ठ
ग्रन्थिभ्यो धारिणो वरा:
धारिभ्यो ज्ञानिन: श्रेष्ठा
ग्यानिभ्यि व्यवसायिन:

Abhegyo Granthin Shreshtha
Granthibhyo DhaariNo CVaraa:
Dhaaribhyo Gyaanin Shreshtha
Gyaanibhya Vyavsaayin

Meaning: On Books:
The one who has read is better than the one who has not.
The one who has remembered/ memorised is better than the one who has read.
The one who has understood is better than the one who has memorised.
The one who has brought to fruition / realised/ adopted in his/her life is better than the one who has understood.

30 Jun 2020