Saturday, 13 June 2020

What an exciting, nail-biting journey today has been! With 2 tiebreakers in the juniors category and 1 in the seniors, almost everyone reached the winning margin of 100 very easily!

The Juniors move to quarter finals.
The Seniors are moving to Semi finals, on account of 2 games being invalid - one for wrong format and the second for no show. 

The draws for Day 2 of the Tournament are as under:
Date Person Person Stage  Category Slot Begins
14.06.2020 AmoghB Dhairya03 Quarter Finals Juniors 0900-1200
14.06.2020 aayush123 Aarya1812 Quarter Finals Juniors 0900-1200
14.06.2020 Arjun7393 Daiwik Quarter Finals Juniors 0900-1200
14.06.2020 Aarush robot4comp Quarter Finals Juniors 0900-1200
14.06.2020 Neelanjana mayankkh Semi Finals Seniors 0900-1300
14.06.2020 giglitigli Sankalp/vikas7393 Semi Finals Seniors 0900-1300

Since the Juniors have to play 3 rounds tomorrow, they will finish their matches by 1200hours. The Seniors can play up to 1300 hours.

All the Best, everyone!

13 Jun 2020