Saturday, 1 February 2020

I have always maintained that if we have to empower the farmer, we have to give him the leverage of time and space. We HAVE to put the power of storage and transport in the hands of the farmer. We have to reduce the input costs of farmers and more importantly, reduce their reliance on inputs that are procured from a "system".

FCI has been trying to do a lot of work in food storage, but the quality of work has been as government work is expected in India, with limited resources and too much to do, with too many challenges.

In this budget, we are happy to note that the government is taking steps to ensure that the farmer wins on all these accounts:
A. Women SHGs to become bearer of food storage at the village level.
B. The Indian Railways and the Kisan UDAN (aviation sector) to make it possible for agricultural produce to read within and outside India in a short time. This includes (very important) refrigerated storage.
C. Farmers can move from the electricity grid to their own solar energy and can even sell that energy to the grid.
D. The agricultural policy will focus on holistic fertiliser use, not just chemical fertilisers.

The sectors that were covered by the Finance Minister today in agriculture were:
A. Credit Access and Disbursement
B. Power
C. Inputs like fertiliser
D. Storage through warehouses
E. Transport through Indian Railways and by air
F. Milk production and processing ability
G. Fish production
H. Horticulture
I. Irrigation

2.83 lakh crores was earmarked for agriculture, irrigation and allied activities and rural development in India.

01 Feb 2020