One of the questions that readers often ask us is, "Why don't you grade the content by age?"
This post has been on my mind a lot, and is an effort to answer that question.
We don't do grade level sorting because, really, we don't believe that kids read (or in fact, do anything) in "grades". The method of Kunspasskolan and the method of ancient Indian education was not based on grades. It was based on the ability and interest of each child. We believe the same.
The thing about a newspaper is that it is a Digest. It has something for everyone. Some child will read the space news, some will love economics. Some kids like Word puzzles, some like number ones. The newspaper is the perfect place to widen our horizons and break barriers. To see things we didn't think we'd like, and to discover new areas of interest.
And that is why, The Children's Post does not do grade level news reporting.
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