Friday, 20 December 2019

Dear Readers!

Today our main news is about the impeachment of Donald Trump, the President of the USA.
The second news is about a fossil of a tree discovered in a quarry in New York.

On page 2, we have India covered in the Countries of the World. Santa Claus is coming to town as Kraft with Kalpana teaches us how to make a Santa of our own.

Page 3 has Puzzles to Puzzle you to keep your brain sharp and set you thinking. Mr. Owl has an interesting snippet about a competition inspired by the Harry Potter Series. The Word Magic and Quote are regular feature for you as well.

Page 4 brings us to the Sports News, the Artist Corner and a Riddle to make you Giggle.
Lastly, is our ever-popular cartoon Cool Comix by Aditya Nema.

Happy Reading!

Warm Regards,
20 Dec 2019