Thursday, 26 December 2019

As the year ends, I am sure you and your friends sit and discuss how it was, whether it went well, what we learnt, what we could do more of. Well, the government departments do it too. They release a year end report highlighting their work for the year.

We bring you some key metrics from the reports released so far. Think of it as a dashboard of how the country is being run. If there is time, please do go to the Govt of India website and read the reports. They are very interesting.

The second news today is about a celestial event - the solar eclipse that many parts of India will be fortunate to view today.

Page 2 has Sanskrit and Hindi proverbs, a muhavara quiz, Art Corner by Bavana, and an odd one out puzzle.

Page 3 has the highlight of this edition for me. This is the first part of a story based on Arthashastra. At the end of this part, we ask you what you think will be said next. Do send us your valuable inputs. We'll be waiting to read them.

Page 4 is the Chandamama Fan Club. Page 5 has the Sports News, Kavita Kona, Ishaan Kaila's Laugh-a-lot-it-is, and Perception Bias in the Cartoon Corner.

Enjoy the edition!


Nidhi aunty

26 Dec 2019