Wednesday 15 May 2019

Hello Readers,
How are you today?
Did you watch the Premier League Championship? It was a great match and if you missed it, do read about it on page 4. Sports have a unique way of inculcating sportsmanship, perseverance, and sincerity in us. Don’t you agree?
Learn about Iceland’s pathbreaking research in converting CO2 to rocks for eternity on page 2. No, don’t go back, you read right.
The news of Aldabra rail which evolve in an interesting manner will surprise you all. Read that on page 1.
I have made another crossword for you (page 3) so please let me know if you like it.
There is a beautiful artwork by Ayush on page 4. Seriously, your talent amazes me.
And do not forget to try the experiment on page 4. It will keep you and your friends busy during the vacation.

Your friend