Sunday, 21 April 2019

Today, i went to hear a friend from college - Rajen Makhijani, speak at an event about "Beyond 9 to 6" - he was one of the 6 speakers invited. He spoke about his life - from an IIM Cal grad, McKinsey consultant, to a screenplay writer. After the session, we were interacting, and he was in a group with some other people. Rajen's wife introduced me and said, "She runs a children's paper..." and the lady in the group immediately said, "The Children's Post? I know the Children's Post and subscribe to it. The kids love it!"

The second person standing there had children in the same age, and he had heard about us too! He didn't say from where though.

It felt sooo good to go somewhere and randomly meet ppl, and they know about our work!
21 Apr 2019