Thursday, 14 March 2019

Thursday editions usually cover international affairs, IT and industry, and this one is no different! Today's lead story is the hottest story around the world - the entire fleet of Boeing 787s has been grounded (cannot be allowed to fly). Read all about it in the lead story today.
The second story is an update on the Venezuelan situation. You might remember our more detailed story on Venezuela, in which we had explained hyper inflation in detail. This is a follow-up story.

Page 2 has a special feature - How to make Holi colours at home. Make your Holi all natural, and yet lasting - because these colours don't go away so easily!
Page 2 also has your favourite Sanskrit and Hindi proverbs, your Word Magic, and a lovely quote.

Page 3 has an overwhelming story of a miracle - sent in by Shubham Singh. Don't miss it.

Page 4 has your favourite Bob Mania, a part of a poem on Holi, and the sports news today features squash!


Nidhi aunty

14 Mar 2019