Hello dear readers, Page 1- How important is the growth forecast for a country's economy? How did India fare globally this year? ...
The Children's Post, 15th October, 2019
Dear Readers Today is World Students Day. It is marked as the birthday of Dr Kalam. The United Nations declared his bi...
Sanksrit Shloka on true friendship
अविचार्यं प्रियं कुर्यात् तन्मित्रं मित्रमुच्यते Avichaaryam Priyam Kuryaat Tanmitram Mitram-uchyate Meaning: A friend who loves u...
The Children's Post, 14th October, 2019
Hello Lovely Readers, Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Today’s lead news covers Delhi’s landfill sites and how the garbage from ...
The Children's Post, 13th October, 2019
Dear Readers, Pg 1 brings you the updates from the day-2 of the Chinese PMs India visit along with some other happenings around the worl...
What is 3D Printing? – Explained.
What is 3D Printing? – Explained. 3D printing is the process of converting any digital file into a real 3D object. It is also known...
The Modi- Jinping Summit, October 12, 2019
Dear Readers October 11 and 12 are the days of an important meeting between the Chinese Premier – Mr. Xi Jinping, and the Indian Prime...