Some days ago, we saw how the human brain is being understood better by trying to do exactly what it does. Today, learn about how we are...
Sanskrit Sayings
अग्निदाहादपि विशिष्टं वाक्पारुष्यं अग्नि के दाह (जलन) से भी अधिक बलवान है कड़वे शब्दों की पीड़ा . The pain caused by rude words is more i...
Tola - Hindi poem for children
आज ख़रीदेंगे हम सोना लेना है पूरा एक तोला एक तोले में १० माशे एक माशे में रत्ती आठ. ८० तोले का एक सेर सोना लेंगे एक तोला एक ...
The Children's Post, 19th November, 2018
Do you want to study for one less year? That change is perhaps on its way, with UK showing the way. If you are in Delhi or thereabouts, d...
Rang - Children's poem in Hindi
आज देखेंगे हम रंग और रंगों के अजब से ढंग! लाल रंग है बड़ा सजीला पर मुझको लगता है हठीला हरा रंग खिलखिला कर हँसता उसका मोह है सबको छ...
The Children's Post - 18th November, 2018 - Special Edition on Coral Reefs
What are some of the things that we take for granted? The Kilogram, for instance. But have you ever wondered, who decides that this exact w...
The Children's Post, 17th November, 2018
Did you know that 44 years ago, humankind sent a radio message to a galaxy far, far away? Google celebrated the anniversary of the ev...