Dear Readers
Your enthusiasm on the daily challenges is the wind beneath our wings. It feels SO GOOD to open the inbox and find all those emails and letters from you. They make our work worth cherishing. Thank you! Please keep them coming!
Today's edition has:
A. An awesome discovery by Indian astronomers.
B. Belarus is going through interesting times. Read our special report.
C. Sports News - written by Ayush Khare.
After the news we have all the regular interesting features of Thursday.
A. Sanskrit
B. Hindi
C. Tamil Proverb
D. A special report on what parents think
E. Art by Sakshi Gupta
F. Memes by Yash Deswal, Bhavesh Sharma, and Manashree Medhi
G. Let's Scrabble by Archana Aggarwal
H. The British Council Page
I. Digital Resource of the Week
J. Veervar Vijetas - 3 challenges and last week's answers
K. Laugh a Lot It is by Ishaan Kaila
L. Kavita Kona by Dr. Panna Lal
M. Memes in Graphs by yours truly
Don't forget to attempt all the 3 Veervar Vijeta challenges. And, Archana Aggarwal's Let's Scrabble this week is full of challenging surprises too!
Enjoy the edition!
Nidhi aunty
Your enthusiasm on the daily challenges is the wind beneath our wings. It feels SO GOOD to open the inbox and find all those emails and letters from you. They make our work worth cherishing. Thank you! Please keep them coming!
Today's edition has:
A. An awesome discovery by Indian astronomers.
B. Belarus is going through interesting times. Read our special report.
C. Sports News - written by Ayush Khare.
After the news we have all the regular interesting features of Thursday.
A. Sanskrit
B. Hindi
C. Tamil Proverb
D. A special report on what parents think
E. Art by Sakshi Gupta
F. Memes by Yash Deswal, Bhavesh Sharma, and Manashree Medhi
G. Let's Scrabble by Archana Aggarwal
H. The British Council Page
I. Digital Resource of the Week
J. Veervar Vijetas - 3 challenges and last week's answers
K. Laugh a Lot It is by Ishaan Kaila
L. Kavita Kona by Dr. Panna Lal
M. Memes in Graphs by yours truly
Don't forget to attempt all the 3 Veervar Vijeta challenges. And, Archana Aggarwal's Let's Scrabble this week is full of challenging surprises too!
Enjoy the edition!
Nidhi aunty
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