गुरूणां माता गरीयसि Gurunaam Mata Gariyasi Meaning: Among all the Gurus (teachers), the mother is the most exalted.
Sanskrit Sukti on saving prestige and friendship
लुन्ब्धस्य नश्यसि यश: पिशुनस्य मैत्री Lubdhasya Nashyasi Yash: Pishunasya Maitri Meaning: Greed (lobh) destroys prestige (yash) and talki...
Makar Sankranthi Special Edition
Happy Makar Sankranti, dear readers! Today, in addition to the news we have : A. Makar Sankranti special feature and a small quiz for you...
Sanskrit Shlok on the importance of following the righteous path
अपन्थानं तु गच्छन्तम् सहोदरो अपि विमुञ्चति. Apanthaanam Tu Gachchhantam Sahodaro api Vimunchati. अर्थ: बुरे मार्ग पर चलने वाले का साथ उसका...
Sanskrit on the importance of integrity
मनस्येकं वचस्येकं कर्मण्येकं महात्मनाम् Manasyekam Vachasyekam KarmaNyekam MahaatmaNaam. Meaning: The thoughts, words, and actions of...
Sanskrit Sukti on the nature of a good person
नारिकेल समाकारा दृश्यन्ते हि सुहृज्जना: Naarikel Samaakaara Drishyante hi Suhrijjanaa: Meaning: Good people are like the coconut - hard fr...
Sanskrit Sukti on choosing one's audience wisely
दर्दुरा यत्र वक्तारस्तत्र मौनं हि शोभनम् Darduraa Yatra VaktaRastatra Maunam he Shobhanam Where the frogs are speakers, it is best to keep...
Air Force Day Special Edition - 8th October 2020
Today's news is an important international update, and one from India. After the news and the sports news, we have: A. A 2 page speci...
The Children's Post, 10th September 2020
Dear Readers Today we have news from the moon and from the world of finance. The Sports News have been written by Aayush Khare. In addit...
Sanskrit Sukti on the cycle of joy and sorrow
कस्य सौख्यं निरन्तरम् ? Kasya Saukhyam Nirantaram? Meaning: Who is happy all the time? (No one. Joy and sorrow are cycles of life)
Sanskrit Sukti on the relationship between wealth and pride
कोअर्थान प्राप्य ना गर्वितो ? Ko Arthaan Praapya na Garvito? Meaning: Who does not become proud after getting rich? (Everyone does). ...
Epic Games' Battle Royale with Google and Apple: The Children's Post, 20th August 2020
Dear readers Today's news story is about something that some of you probably know about - Fortnite being removed form Apple App store...
Can you guess what this means?
सुखार्थिन कुतो: विद्या, विद्यार्थिन कुतो: सुखं? To be our Veervaaar Vijeta, just take a wild guess and send it to us. It doesn't hav...
Sanskrit Sukti on Sanskrit language
सरस सुबोधा विश्वमनोग्या ललिता हृद्या रमणीया अमृतवाणी संस्कृतभाषा नैव कलिष्ठा न च कठिना Saras Subodhaa Vishwamanogyaa Lalitaa RamaNiyaa ...
The Waters are Boiling, or are they? - The Children's Post, 23rd July 2020
I LOVED putting this edition together for you. The lead story is about pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR) designed and built by India...
Sanskrit Sukti on the importance of presenting self
अप्रकटीकृतशक्ति: शक्तोअपि जनस्तिर स्क्रियाम् लभते निवसन्नन्तर्दारुणि लन्घ्यो वहिन्र्न तु ज्वलित: AprakaTikrit Shakti: Shakto-api Janast...
Sanskrit Sukti on how to treat an evil person
शठे शाठ्यं सदाचरेत. ShaThe ShaaThyam Sadaacharet Meaning: The best conduct with an evil person is to be evil.
Meme Fest -The Children's Post, 9th July 2020
Dear Readers Today is the Meme Fest! The news covers an update from the WHO, one from the government of India, and one from NASA. Ex...
Panchatantra Sanskrit Sukti on what makes a successful life
जातस्य नदीतीरे तस्यापि तृणस्य जन्मसाफल्यं तत्स्लिलमज्जनाकुलजहस्तालम्बनम् भवति Jaatasya Nadeeteere Tasyaapi Trinasya Janmasaaphalyam Tat...
Sanskrit Sukti on our relationship with books
अज्ञेभ्यो ग्रन्थिन: श्रेष्ठ ग्रन्थिभ्यो धारिणो वरा: धारिभ्यो ज्ञानिन: श्रेष्ठा ग्यानिभ्यि व्यवसायिन: Abhegyo Granthin Shreshtha Grant...