Wednesday, 22 April 2020

What is a Class Action Suit?

What is a Class Action Suit?
Some of you must have seen the movie, Erin Brokovich. In this movie, a lady realises that a gas company is poisoning the ground water. She then files a case on behalf of the entire community, and wins. This is a class action suit. In short, when one person fights on behalf of
an entire group (class) of people, it is called a class action suit.
Why do companies not like Class Action Suits?
Let’s think about why a company would not like class action suits. I have two guesses:
  1. A class action suit means that the company hurt a LOT of people, not just one or two.
  2. The penalty is typically much, much higher in a class action suit. For instance, if there are 300 people in a class, and the court gives damages of 1 million each, that is 300 million for the company. In the real Erin Brokovich case, the damages were $333 million for 634 people.

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