Saturday, 1 February 2020

Budget 2020 - On education and careers

The New Education Policy will be announced soon. This policy has been in the making for over a year and thousands of people, including the general public, have provided valuable inputs.

What the FM said:
It is felt that there is a need to put more funding into education so that we are able to attract better teaching talent.

What this means:
As you probably know, teachers work about 8 to 10 hours a day. But their pay is not that high. What happens when you pay less? A person who is intelligent, will take a career option that is paying more. This means students don't always get the best teachers. But if teaching pays more, it will attract better teachers.

What the FM said: 
Apprenticeship based degree/diploma courses will come soon, so that students get education that makes them employable. Urban local bodies will provide internships to fresh engineers for a period upto one year. 

What this means:
When we do some work as part of our education, we are better prepared for the work. For example, in science, if you do an experiment, don't you remember the concept much better? Suppose you have a course in agriculture, and you then do some work in that sector - will you not feel better prepared because you have already done this work?

What the FM said:
A standardised exam (IND-SAT) will be created for international students from Asia and Africa. This will be used for students who come to India for higher education on scholarship.

A National Police University and a National Forensic Science University will be set up.

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