Friday, 20 December 2019

New Book Published - Magic in Mathematics

It started with Harinder aunty asking me for some Mental Maths exercises. I said, "No problem at all. I wrote a book on Magic Maths so the exercises will be there."

This book was written by me when I was 11 or 12, and hating the way Maths was taught in school. So many formulae to memorise, when all of them could be worked out so easily!

So I made my notes in a small notebook. With those secrets, most topics in High School maths were a breeze for me. My teachers didn't understand how I managed to do the sums without memorising the formulae or how I managed to do things so quickly. That book was my secret.

Later, while preparing for CAT, I thought that Maths would be a challenge. But it wasn't. I took out that notebook, and went through the pages once more. Reading it a good 10 years later, I was filled with awe at that past. Anyway, that notebook saved my life again.

Later, i discovered that some of this stuff is already in Vedic Maths etc. But at that time, we were not taught Maths in that way. It was all memorise-rote learn-scold.

But that tiny notebook got converted to typed text after my child was born. I wanted to share my secret tricks ONLY with him. So i typed out that book, did the exercises with him, and forgot all about it.

When Harinder aunty asked me for the Mental Maths exercise, I opened this long forgotten book and realised that other children can read it too!

So here it is - the Magic in Mathematics. If it helps any child discover the magic of numbers, my job here is done!

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