Tuesday, 31 December 2019

The Children's Post, 31st Dec 2019

Hello Readers,

The New Year celebrations are here already! Tonight is the New Year’s Eve. I am sure you all would have a lot planned for tonight. Delhiites, whichever way you plan your evening, just stay indoors as the cold wave that we are experiencing is unprecedented and unbearable.

Have you made your new year’s resolution? I have made mine – want to know what it is. I have decided to get more outdoorsy this year. I will try to plan more picnics, go to museums, parks, etc.

I will let you know next New Year’s Eve if I did see my resolution through!

Enjoy the edition!



Monday, 30 December 2019

The Children's Post, 30th December 2019

Hello Lovely Readers,

New Year is just around the corner. As the year draws to a close and everyone slips into holiday mode. It’s time to cherish the best memories of 2019 and welcome the new year with new hopes and new goals.

The lead news covers the oath ceremony of 11th Jharkhand Chief Minister. The second news is all about the coldest night of the season in Srinagar.

One day while preparing for his exams, Ishaan’s curious mind got a question, “Who invented exams?” I am sure many of us have had the same thought at some point in time. Read all about the origin and history of exams on page 2.

Page 3 has the editorial section, word magic and World’s natural wonders – Borra Caves.

Read sports news, a beautiful poem, solve the puzzle, and enjoy dreams and doodles by our creative artist Gurpreet Kaur.

Enjoy the edition!


Sunday, 29 December 2019

Algeria's New Prime Minister - December 29th, 2019

Dear Readers

With just 3 days to go, am sure there is a lot of anticipation and excitement in the air.

We share the sentiment too, and as the Issue numbers count up to 365, its so hard to keep the excitement from our voices.. on Jan 1, we will enter Volume 4!

Today’s edition has two very interesting international news – one from London, and the other from Algeria.

Page 2 is where the Sunday fun begins! Dimple Tanna’s Cosmic Yoga, our Maze Fun, Word Magic, Ridley the Riddle Turtle, Sudoku and Word Search, Bhavneet’s Name this Bird, Bavana in the Art Corner, and Audrey Hepburn in the Quote of the Day.

Page 4 has news from Darts! Not a sport one hears much of!

Enjoy the edition!


Nidhi aunty

Algeria's New Prime Minister - December 29th, 2019

Dear Readers

With just 3 days to go, am sure there is a lot of anticipation and excitement in the air.

We share the sentiment too, and as the Issue numbers count up to 365, its so hard to keep the excitement from our voices.. on Jan 1, we will enter Volume 4!

Today’s edition has two very interesting international news – one from London, and the other from Algeria.

Page 2 is where the Sunday fun begins! Dimple Tanna’s Cosmic Yoga (Konasana), our Maze Fun, Word Magic, Ridley the Riddle Turtle, Sudoku and Word Search, Bhavneet’s Name this Bird, Bavana in the Art Corner, and Audrey Hepburn in the Quote of the Day.

Page 4 has news from Darts! Not a sport one hears much of!

Enjoy the edition!


Nidhi aunty

Saturday, 28 December 2019

Turnout and Public Spending

Turnout: The number of people who turn up to vote in an election is called the turnout of that election. It is usually expressed as a percentage. For example, if an election had 100 identified voters and 60 of them turned up to vote, then the turnout is 60/100 = 60%.

Public Spending: The money spent by the government is called public spending. 

Intelligence Unit

Intelligence is not just how intelligent a person is. When we talk about intelligence about someone/something, or an intelligence unit, it is quite simply, information about that person/thing, and an Intelligence Unit is a spy unit.

Like RAW is the intelligence agency of India. This means that RAW is the agency that gets secret information about what our enemies are planning against our country and acts on it before they can do anything. Or, sometimes, it gets secret information and acts on it to catch the enemies of the country.

Friday, 27 December 2019

The Children's Post,28th December,2019

Dear Readers,

I know all of you must be feeling really cold! Yes, it is one of the coldest months in the last century.
The main news covers how the temperature in the month of December in Delhi.
The other news is about the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu winning the confidence of his party and how he will continue to lead his party in the next election held in March.

Page 2 is about Indonesia in the Countries of the World. We will learn about Kalamkari in the Art Series of the week. It is always inspiring to read about folk art from all over India.

On page 3, we have Puzzles to Puzzle You, the Quote of the Day and a new word to learn in Word Magic. The very wise Mr. Owl has a fun fact about hummingbirds this week.

We come to the Sports News on page 4. We also have our regular features, Cool Comix, the Artist Corner and the Riddle to make you giggle.

Enjoy the edition! We thoroughly enjoyed putting it together.


MIG 27 retires - December 27, 2019

Dear Explorers,
Hope you all are doing well and enjoying your holidays! Holidays and travelling are so closely associated to each other, so, I thought that this will be the best time to write about travelling as a hobby. Read about it on Pages 2 & 3.

Some of you have already been sharing your travelogues with us in the 'Trip and Tell' section. We love reading them. Please keep sharing more of these.
On Page 1, the lead news is about the beginning of return journey of Hayabusa-2 to Earth after completing its mission successfully on asteroid Ryugu. The second news is about MIG-27 who will take their last flight today.Page 3 warmly welcomes our new book reviewer, Ishaan Manohar with a lovely book review from the Harry potter series.Page 4 has the sports news, a beautiful poem by Samaira Dewan, a splendid piece of art by Anjas Kaur and an apt meme from the series 'Our World' by Nidhi Aunty.

Enjoy the edition and have a lovely weekend ahead!
- Harinder aunty 

Thursday, 26 December 2019

The Children's Post - 26th December 2019

As the year ends, I am sure you and your friends sit and discuss how it was, whether it went well, what we learnt, what we could do more of. Well, the government departments do it too. They release a year end report highlighting their work for the year.

We bring you some key metrics from the reports released so far. Think of it as a dashboard of how the country is being run. If there is time, please do go to the Govt of India website and read the reports. They are very interesting.

The second news today is about a celestial event - the solar eclipse that many parts of India will be fortunate to view today.

Page 2 has Sanskrit and Hindi proverbs, a muhavara quiz, Art Corner by Bavana, and an odd one out puzzle.

Page 3 has the highlight of this edition for me. This is the first part of a story based on Arthashastra. At the end of this part, we ask you what you think will be said next. Do send us your valuable inputs. We'll be waiting to read them.

Page 4 is the Chandamama Fan Club. Page 5 has the Sports News, Kavita Kona, Ishaan Kaila's Laugh-a-lot-it-is, and Perception Bias in the Cartoon Corner.

Enjoy the edition!


Nidhi aunty

What is an annular solar eclipse?

An annular solar eclipse is when the moon appears just a little smaller than the sun. So, we are able to see the sun as a ‘ring’. 

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Hindi Muhavra Quiz

क्रोध कभी किसी समस्या का हल नहीं करता। _________ से पहले, सोच विचार कर लेना चाहिए। 

१. आपा खोने 
२. आसमान सर पर उठाने 
३. उल्लू बनाने 
४. गुड़ गोबर करने 
www.thechildrenspost.com for more of these!

Hindi Lokokti on water practices

चार महीने हाल का, 
चार महीने ताल का, 
चार महीने पाल का 

Chaar Mahine Haal ka
Chaar Mahine Taa ka,
Chaar mahine paal ka

Meaning: During the 4 months of rains, drink natural water. During the 4 months of fall-winter, drink water from the village pond, and during the 4 months of summer, drink water that is stored in a matka (earthen pot)

Sanskrit Sukti on hunger

कष्टात्कष्त्तरं क्षुधा 
Kashtaat-Kashtaram Kshudha

Meaning: Of all the troubles, hunger is the greatest trouble.

The Children's Post, 25th December 2019

Hello Lovely Readers,

Merry Christmas!

Today Christmas special edition includes the wishes for Santa from readers on Page 2.

The lead news covers the use of water hyacinth plant to detect herbicide pollution in Assam.
The second news covers the opening of a new Oxygen Parlour at Nashik Railway Station in Maharashtra.

Page 3 has today’s special feature which is all about cartography – maps and its evolution written by Vanitha Ananthan.

Page 4 has the editorial section, Quote of the day, and a beautiful poem by Vaania Chhabra.

Read sports news and a beautiful Christmas poem, also enjoy doodle by Mira Malhotra.

Enjoy the edition!


Tuesday, 24 December 2019

The Children's Post, 24th Dec 2019

Hello Readers,

With just 1 day left for Christmas, I am sure the Christmas spirit would be soaring high in each one of you! How is the Christmas tree coming along? Know what, this time of the year always brings back memories from my childhood. Would you like to know my fondest Christmas memory?

When I was a kid, I would spend the entire day before Christmas decorating the Christmas tree with my sisters. Those were the times when one did not find Christmas decorations available in the market and if they were available, they certainly weren’t cheap. We would make confetti by cutting coloured sheet of papers into small squares. We used to put cotton all over the tree to make it look like it snowed, because hey, how can it be Christmas without snow? We would buy small, inexpensive gifts for our parents which they had absolutely no use of but were always very happy to receive them. I remember, our mom would pamper us with ‘Archie comics’. Every Christmas morning, we would find a set of three, neatly packed Archie comics under the Aerocaria plant (Indian version of the Christmas tree), and that would make us the happiest trio in the entire world. We would read funny excerpts from the comic books to our parents and would laugh our hearts out.

See, Christmas is about spending time with our family and making memories. Memories so sweet that every time we think of them; it brings a big broad smile on our face – just like its bringing one to mine right now!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Enjoy the edition!


Monday, 23 December 2019

What is the Budget?

What happens when you have to spend 1000 rupees all by yourself? Or arrange a party?

Chances are, you sit down and plan how much you are going to spend on each item. For example, you decide that the return gifts must be at 100 rs per piece, the cake can cost 800 rupees, and the snacks should cost 700 rs.

Deciding how much money we will spend on each item is called “Budgeting”. It is an important part of any planning. 

What does Budget mean? 

The government also has to plan to run the whole country. So, once a year, the government also sits down to decide how much money is to be spent on what, and how it will make money. This is called the Union Budget.

When is a Budget called an Interim Budget? 
In 2019, since elections were due within one year, the budget was called the “interim budget” – because this was only an interim budget until the next government is formed.

The Children's Post, 23rd December 2019

Hello Lovely Readers,

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Today’s lead news covers the first-ever U.S.A. made spacecraft – Starliner, which made a mark by successfully landing on land and not water. The second news covers the discovery of iron 'snow' in Earth's core that is made of tiny particles of snow.

Have you ever wondered, ‘Why is time divided into 12-hour periods? How did one minute become 60 seconds and one hour become 60 minutes? Read today’s feature to know all about the history of time.

Page 3 has the editorial section, Word Magic, and Let’s learn Japanese by Anupma Shukla.

Read a beautiful poem along with sports news, interesting puzzle, and a curious Cartoon by our own artistic Gurpreet Kaur.

Enjoy the edition!


Sunday, 22 December 2019

22nd December 2019

The lead news today is awesome - from the Air Force Academy and the Indian Coach Factory. Having worked in some kind of a factory, I know how much effort it takes to improve production even a little bit, and how much hard work it takes to put everything together just so.

The second news is heartening too - from North Goa.

Page 2 is where the fun begins - Cosmic Yoga by Dimple Tanna, Word Search (Today's Word Search is on miniature Indian painting), a maze, Word Magic, riddle, Quote of the Day, Name the Bird by Bhavneet S Aurora, Artist Corner by Bavana, Sudoku, and Idiom Flashcard.

Sports News rounds up Page 4.

Enjoy your Sunday, my dear friends!


Nidhi aunty

Friday, 20 December 2019

The Children's Post,21st December,2019

Dear Readers!

Today our main news is about the impeachment of Donald Trump, the President of the USA.
The second news is about a fossil of a tree discovered in a quarry in New York.

On page 2, we have India covered in the Countries of the World. Santa Claus is coming to town as Kraft with Kalpana teaches us how to make a Santa of our own.

Page 3 has Puzzles to Puzzle you to keep your brain sharp and set you thinking. Mr. Owl has an interesting snippet about a competition inspired by the Harry Potter Series. The Word Magic and Quote are regular feature for you as well.

Page 4 brings us to the Sports News, the Artist Corner and a Riddle to make you Giggle.
Lastly, is our ever-popular cartoon Cool Comix by Aditya Nema.

Happy Reading!

Warm Regards,

New Book Published - Magic in Mathematics

It started with Harinder aunty asking me for some Mental Maths exercises. I said, "No problem at all. I wrote a book on Magic Maths so the exercises will be there."

This book was written by me when I was 11 or 12, and hating the way Maths was taught in school. So many formulae to memorise, when all of them could be worked out so easily!

So I made my notes in a small notebook. With those secrets, most topics in High School maths were a breeze for me. My teachers didn't understand how I managed to do the sums without memorising the formulae or how I managed to do things so quickly. That book was my secret.

Later, while preparing for CAT, I thought that Maths would be a challenge. But it wasn't. I took out that notebook, and went through the pages once more. Reading it a good 10 years later, I was filled with awe at that past. Anyway, that notebook saved my life again.

Later, i discovered that some of this stuff is already in Vedic Maths etc. But at that time, we were not taught Maths in that way. It was all memorise-rote learn-scold.

But that tiny notebook got converted to typed text after my child was born. I wanted to share my secret tricks ONLY with him. So i typed out that book, did the exercises with him, and forgot all about it.

When Harinder aunty asked me for the Mental Maths exercise, I opened this long forgotten book and realised that other children can read it too!

So here it is - the Magic in Mathematics. If it helps any child discover the magic of numbers, my job here is done!


The Children's Post, 20th December, 2019

Hello Brilliant People,Word of the day is ‘curiosity’.We must keep asking questions, always!The lead news for today is very very exciting. NASA's Mars Rover 2020 has just earned its driving licence and is all set to explore Mars.
The second news is equally exciting. The excavators in Denmark have found a 5700 year old chewing gum that has helped reveal a lot of information about the ancient humans! Read more about these on page 1.The feature on page 2 and half of page three is about an interesting gadget that a lot of us enjoy playing with. Read what is it and how has it evolved over the years.Page 3 also has the Mental Maths challenge by Nidhi Aunty. Don't forget to share how much time you took to solving these.Page 4 warmly welcomes back Samaira Dewan with her book reviews. Do read the well laid out review. The page also has a poem by me, hope you will like it!
Page 5 has the sports news, a cool calculator trick which you can use to impress and surprise your friends, a lovely sketch by Heiya Chaturvedi , and the coolest Funny Bunnies by Aakarsh Agarwal.Hope you enjoy reading the edition and have a lovely weekend ahead!

Thursday, 19 December 2019

GK Spot Quiz - December 19th, 2019

Dear Readers

Today, is the last of our Spot Quizzes - GK!

But don't worry. If you have read The Children's Post, this quiz should be a breeze for you.

You know, of all our quizzes, Logic was found to be the hardest by our readers. You know why that makes me sad? Logical thinking is the foundation of critical thinking and analysis. If our children and readers are finding it hard to do Logic, then, Houston, we have a situation.

So, whatever your age, promise to pick up a book of logic puzzles today, and hopefully, by the time we are at the next spot quiz, you will find Logic easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Which brings me to today's news.

Today's lead news is a story, and a very interesting one at that. Why don't you read it to find out.

Today's paper is also a collectible. Read Page 3 and impress your parents. Then keep it handy.

Page 2 has Sanskrit and Hindi proverbs, a puzzle that requires out of the box, critical thinking, and the Muhavara quiz.

Page 3... we're not telling. You have to read to know how important that page is.

Page 4 has the Editorial. Page 5 has the Chandamama Fan Club, and Page 6 is Sports News, Laugh a lot it is, Bob Mania, and Kavita Kona.

Enjoy the edition, my precious readers!


Nidhi aunty

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

All About Stock Market, Company ownership, NCLT and NCLAT

What is a Share? 
Suppose you have a pizza, and you decide that all of you will share it. There are four of you. You decide that each friend owns one fourth of the pizza. But Ramesh thinks you will cheat. To pacify him, you make 4 chits and write on each chit "The holder of this chit owns one fourth of the pizza." You take your own chits and go home happily. 

You have just created share certificates for the pizza! 

A share is nothing but a share of ownership of a company. A share certificate is proof of that ownership.

Shareholding and Shareholders
Suppose now, that you create a small library.

You need 2000 rs to start the library. Aman gives 200 rs, Babita brings 500, Charu has 400, Danish has 100, and Easwar has the remaining 800. You decide that everyone must own the business in the same ratio as the money they bring in. So, Aman owns 10% (200/2000 *100) , Babita owns 25%, Charu owns 20%, Danish owns 5%, and Easwar owns 40%. 

You are all shareholders of the company now. Shares are also called stock. 

Private Limited and Public company 
You folks decide that you will not let anyone else come into the business. Only you and your friends. This is a private limited company.

But after a few months, a lot of the colony children say they love the library business idea and want to share in it. They all want to buy ownership of the library company. 
Then, you give in and tell them, Ok, they can buy and sell their ownership freely. Anyone, whether they are from your gang or not, can buy and sell ownership of the library. Whoever brings you the chit of ownership will get a share of the profits of that month. 

Your company has now become a public limited company. 

The shares of a private company are not openly traded in the Stock Exchanges. Because of this, private companies need to share very little information compared to public limited companies.

The stock exchange 
Where do you go to buy vegetables? Why, the market, of course! And where do you go to buy clothes? The clothes market. Like that, there is a special market where people buy and sell stocks. That market is called the Stock Exchange - a place where stock in companies is exchanged.

Holding Company 
Did you know that one company can own another company? Yes! The company that holds all or most (more than 50%) shares of another company is called the holding or parent company. 

Companies Act is the law that governs all the companies in India. What if we think someone has done something that is against the Company law? We can file a case in the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT). 

Now, suppose we take a case there and we are not happy with the decision. Then? 
No problem! We can file an appear in the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) 

And then? Well, after these two, it is the Supreme Court.

Board of Directors 
In your library business, you ask some parents to guide you. These parents meet all of you every Sunday and ask how you're doing, how many new members you made, how many books were taken, how much money you made, and how many new books you want to buy, etc. They are your Board of Directors. 
The Board of Directors of a company are the highest level of control and governance of a company. The Board is expected to ensure that the company is run well and acts in the interests of the shareholders. 

Read today's paper to find out why this is important! :) 

The Children's Post,18th December,2019

Hello dear readers,
The winter session of the Parliament of India just got over. A lot of Bills were passed by both the Houses, 14 by Lok Sabha, 15 by Rajya Sabha, and 15 by both. A Bill becomes an Act of law, once the President gives his assent. The Recycling of Ships Bill 2019 became an Act. That is the top story today.
The BrahMos missile was successfully test fired today. This is our second news story.
Page 2- A festival of lights is celebrated in South India to honour Lord Shiva. Vanitha aunty enlightens us on this in the special feature.
Page 3- First's in medicine, Quote of the day and some funny jokes, along with a lovely poem by Vaania.
Page 4- A mango tree teaches a monkey a lesson. Why?Read the Junior reading corner to find out. A space doodle by Mira today. An 84 year old man completed one of the toughest marathons in the world. That's the sports news.
Happy Reading:)

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

The Children's Post, 17th Dec 2019

Hello Readers,

A hundred and sixteen years ago, 5 people witnessed the first successful flight of the first aircraft in the world. The first flight lasted only 12 sec and climbed 120 feet. There were 4 more tests that day and the last one lasted 59 sec and climbed 852 feet, thus making the feat a newsworthy item.
It was built by Orville & Wilbur Wright, commonly known as the ‘Wright Brothers’.

Page 1: News on a Chinese policy that will change the face of the technology industry. How would you like a ring made of Palladium? Well, read the secondary news item to know why thats not a completely senseless question.

Page 2: Enjoy the art of laughing!

Page 3: Immerse yourself in yet another inspiring writeup by Akanksha

Page 4: Read the sports news covering the President's Golf Final Cup. Know about a cyclist's beautiful piece of art, but not on a paper - guess the medium! And enjoy yet another hilarious adventure of Juan & Pico by Ankith.

Enjoy the edition!



Monday, 16 December 2019

The Children's Post, 16th December 2019

Hello Lovely Readers,

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Today’s lead news covers ancient air dating back to the 1870s is discovered in Antarctica. The second news covers NASA’s Satellites capture decades of change in Earth’s glaciers over a span of 50 years.

Today’s feature covers the evolution of Laundry – from rivers to smart washing machines.

Page 3 has the editorial section, Word Magic, and Let’s learn Japanese by Anupma Shukla.

Read a beautiful poem along with sports news, interesting puzzle, and a curious Cartoon by our own artistic Gurpreet Kaur.

Enjoy the edition!
